Ever since my first criminal justice class in high school, I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. I was headed to law school when I decided to take some time off to work with attorneys — and quickly realized I really did not want to be one.

Working in a law firm more than 70 hours a week on salary with skills that did not transition well into other jobs left me on a hamster wheel with no way to get off. I didn’t know there was a possible solution in network marketing until I met a guy in Boston who later handed me a worn VHS tape (that was a copy of a copy… of a copy).

Intrigued, I joined and ultimately went to Texas to learn more, just to find out that it had been purchased by PPLSI. I had no idea something like this even existed. By the end of the weekend, my mind raced with thoughts of getting off the hamster wheel while helping others who could only have as much justice as they could afford (with a tip of the hat and deep respect to Mr. Stonecipher). It also offered me the added perks of building my own business, setting my own schedule, working from home and earning renewal income. Furthermore, it kept me connected with something I feel very strongly about – the importance of the law and being able to access it.

While it was challenging coming home to a state where no plans were yet available (Mike Melia offered this advice: MOVE), I eventually embraced PPLSI 100% and have been able to build my business over time with hard work which now allows me just to focus on PPLSI.

Over the years, my belief and conviction have proven that this is the right path for me to continue to grow. The services continue to expand and evolve with the needs in the marketplace, keeping us relevant, especially with the introduction of IDShield.

Along with the peace of mind and protection that our services provide, PPLSI is the vehicle that lets me help others, not by being a lawyer, but by being able to give them access to one. Amazingly, it has also allowed me to achieve the $100,000 Ring and provide timely and affordable resources that meet our clients’ needs.