In the 13 years since I signed on with LegalShield, I’ve been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing something that I enjoy doing anyway…letting people know when I believe our services can help them!

My son and daughter are now grown, but as a single mom living four states away from the closest family members, it was imperative that I find work which allowed me the flexibility to make my children my #1 priority. Many people suggested I pursue sales, but selling scared me to death! At the same time, I rejected the idea of going back to corporate work, since it meant my kids would have to go to day care. And when I considered launching a traditional business, I faced the challenge of the substantial amount of seed money required. Additionally, the many headaches that come with business ownership, like payroll, advertising, landlords and other liabilities came to mind.

So it was an enormous blessing to discover LegalShield. We have all of the advantages of a franchise with none of the disadvantages! And anyone who knows me well can tell you that I
love helping people save tons of money. Furthermore, I sleep soundly knowing I am not just another sales person out there hurling my “pitch” at anyone and everyone on the planet. On the
contrary, my job is to educate people in the most effective use of services they are not even truly familiar with.


In my opinion, our mission is to bring hope into the homes and businesses of North America. Thanks to the dedication of hundreds of attorneys on retainer with us in 49 states and 4 provinces of Canada, I hold my head high knowing our customers can reach their law firm 24 hours a day 365 days a year! We aren’t sales people, we are sherpas guiding our communities to a harbor that is safe and affordable!

For all of the above, I am grateful to God and also to our exceptional corporate leadership and support in Dallas and Ada, to my truly wonderful team and to my mentors and friends, the Melias. May we spread hope to millions in 2013!