Prior to PPLSI, Sherranda served in the USAF & worked in Healthcare for 20 years. Jenkins also served in the USAF & still works in Law Enforcement. When they started, Sherranda had been downsized & was looking for an Opportunity to work part-time. The ability to control her calendar was what they liked best about our Opportunity, especially after becoming Primary Caregivers for her Mother 2 years after launching. It has given them the opportunity to earn a full-time income on a part-time basis while helping so many others. Sherranda’s greatest achievement was earning the Lady of Justice Award as Field Trainer of the Year. Their biggest tip is to remain the student, put in the activity & never give up.

In 2021, they earned the Los Cabos Incentive Trip, along with 4 other Incentives Trips, achieved their PC Century Milestone, earned the Rank of Silver Executive Directors, 3x’d their Business & earned their $50K Ring. Their 2022 Goal is to earn the $100K Ring.

Their Business has taught them to find their Niche Industry & focus on that while offering our Services to so many. They thank God, their Mentors Mike, Steve & Kim Melia and PPLSI for giving them the ability to soar.