Melia Family Rock Stars
Top Executive Directors & Ring EarnersThe Melia Brothers’ journey began on April 19th of 1994 when Steve, 23 & Mike, 42, decided to become business partners. Over the next few years, the excitable and optimistic brothers lived in their sister’s attic apartment in NJ, shared a beat-up GEO Metro, while working tirelessly to build their Empire. The brothers morphed into the Melia Family when they met Kim in 1998 and she eventually became the third partner. Kim came from a broken family and her childhood was often full of food stamps and hard times. She hated everything about her corporate banking job and knew that she wanted something more out of life. This powerhouse trio have built their business around their lives and have true freedom. With consistency, discipline, a positive attitude and a great team, they now earn over $600,000 a year with LegalShield.

Kim Melia
PPLSI Legend
$600,000 Ring Earner
Millionaire Club Member
PPLSI Award Recipient
Kim Melia has been with LegalShield for over 18 years. Her background was in Corporate Canada, but now loves owning and creating her dream life. She works with her amazing partners, Steve & Mike Melia. She’s also the driving force behind the Work, Play, Love Foundation. Learn More About the Foundation HERE

Mike Melia
PPLSI Legend
$600,000 Ring Earner
Millionaire Club Member
PPLSI Award Recipient
2022 JB Humanitarian Award Recipient
Mike has had many years in the business world, but never the amazing time freedom that he has now, after years of working his LegalShield business with his partners, Kim & Steve Melia. He loves traveling the world and spending time with his kids and grandchildren.

Steve Melia
PPLSI Legend
$600,000 Ring Earner
Millionaire Club Member
PPLSI Award Recipient
Steve has been full-time in network marketing since he was 24 and credits the industry to the incredible time freedom he’s achieved. In addition to building one of the largest teams in network marketing, Steve has been traveling around doing stand-up since 2008. In 2011, Steve took a year off and attended all 162 NY Yankee games of that season. YES…Home and away His first book followed soon after, 162 The Almost Epic Journey of a Yankee Superfan. In 2016 He launched his podcast The 162 Experience. This is a weekly show about success in business, sports and life. In 2016 he authored and self-published his second book, The Last 42 which is a tribute to his late brother Jim Melia.

Steve Baker
$400,000 Ring Earner
Millionaire Club Member
Emerald Elite
Multiple PPLSI & Lady of Justice Awards Recipient
Before LegalShield came into my life I was a painter and decorator in southern California. Earning $10 per hour, I had a pretty good life for a single man with no money. I started work at 6am and was usually finished by 3pm. Most of my time away from painting was spent playing soccer or at the beach with my friends who…Read More HERE

Brad & Moira Roberts
$200,000 Ring Earners
Millionaire Club Members
Multiple PPLSI & Lady of Justice Awards Recipients
NVPs of Eastern Canada
When LegalShield was first introduced to me, I admit that I was skeptical, yet I saw the value in the service, and I joined as a member. I consulted my provider law firm for help with a lease, a vehicle purchase, a warranty issue and much more. ….Read More HERE

Rob & Charlene Mackenzie
$150,000 Ring Earners
Millionaire Club Members
I was a police officer for more than 25 years when I saw PPL, now LegalShield. Charlene had been a legal secretary and then a stay-at-home mom with our 5 amazing children. With such a large family, we were always looking for…Read More HERE

Chip Humphrey
$150,000 Ring Earner
Millionaire Club Member
2021 JB Humanitarian Award Recipient
I have a very unique background. I am a Retired Professional High Diver and Aquatic Entertainer. I have had the pleasure of producing and performing in high diving shows in 22 countries all around the world from Hong Kong to Dubai and from England to Australia….Read More HERE

Bob & Denny Sappington
$100,000 Ring Earners
Millionaire Club Members
Bob and Denny have been privileged to work with the Melias in LegalShield since September of 1998. Denny is a retired elementary school teacher and Bob is Pastor of Graceway Community Church in Mesquite, Nevada where they have lived for the past year…Read More HERE

Randy & Char Parker
$100,000 Ring Earners
Millionaire Club Members
Randy and Char Parker have been LegalShield associates since January 2003. For the past nine years they have felt blessed to be a part of such an honorable and respectable company. Randy originally became involved with LegalShield after using his Life Events Legal Plan and having incredible…Read More HERE

Bob & Vickie Levy
$100,000 Ring Earners
Millionaire Club Members
Bob Levy has always had an instinct for recognizing cutting-edge trends. Early in his career, when he was a young clothing salesman, he sensed a major trend about to occur in the fashion industry and opened the first store in the south that sold bell-bottoms ….The Merry Go Round Boutique, in Atlanta, Georgia…Read More HERE

John Busch
$100,000 Ring Earner
Millionaire Club Member
I found myself making a living with stocks and options, which meant I was glued to a computer and television for about 50 hours a week. I was not happy with where I was in life and a friend asked me to review information about a business; I saw an opportunity to live my dreams. Even though I was…Read More HERE

Julie Gershon
$100,000 Ring Earner
Millionaire Club Member
Emerald Elite
5K Golden App Award Recipient
Field Trainer
Ever since my first criminal justice class in high school, I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. I was headed to law school when I decided to take some time off to work with attorneys — and quickly realized I really did not want to be one…Read More HERE

Patti Stoltz
$100,000 Ring Earner
Millionaire Club Member
B2B Field Trainer
B2B Emerald Elite
Prior to LegalShield, I was working in international banking. Then I worked as a flight attendant. My husband, Randy, and I were lucky to get one vacation a year with our boys, Carson and Trenton. I was always stressing over our finances. But now I’m a LegalShield Associate!...Read More HERE

Anita Sarda
$100,000 Ring Earner
PPLSI Award Recipient
2021 Stonecipher Player of the Year Award Recipient
LOJ Award Recipient
I was tired of working 60 to 80 hours a week in my corporate Canada executive career, knowing I had hit a ceiling on my income — not because I am East Indian or a woman, but because corporate has an innate cap on the income someone can make. I no longer felt I was making enough of a difference in the world like I used to when I was an anti-racism and diversity consultant in my early career. ..Read More HERE

Mark & Vene McDonald
$50,000 Ring Earners
Millionaire Club Members
Just a little over five years ago we found ourselves, like a lot of people today, facing a very difficult financial situation and wondering how we were going to pursue the life we had always dreamed about. We had risked everything on…Read More HERE

Kandra King
$50,000 Ring Earner
Sapphire Elite
Kandra has been working in the Entertainment Business as an Actress, Show Host, Dancer, Singer, and Writer for over 20 years. Kandra was very attracted to LegalShield because...Read More HERE

Tom & Lyse McDonough
$50,000 Ring Earners
Golden App Earners
2022 Stonecipher Players of the Year Award Recipients
I was a stay-at-home Mom and Tom, a corporate executive. His daily commute was long, the business trips too frequent and our 2 children were growing up way too fast. All it took was a decision over lunch with an old friend and everything changed…Read More HERE

Mollie Sherrill
$50,000 Ring Earner
In the 13 years since I signed on with LegalShield, I’ve been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing something that I enjoy doing anyway…letting people know when I believe our
services can help them!…Read More HERE

Leandra Lawrence
$50,000 Ring Earner
For the past 14 years, everyone I meet knows that my motto is I am an Evangelist for the Lord as well as LegalShield. In 2007, I was invited to a PBR where Mr. Chip Humphrey shared LegalShield and it just made sense. Being a single mother, I understood firsthand how you can be taken advantage of when you don’t know your rights...Read More HERE

Charlie Fowler
$50,000 Ring Earner
1K Golden App Award Recipient
Multiple PPLSI Awards Recipient
I was introduced to LegalShield more than 15 years ago by a fellow real estate investor. My first reaction was disbelief. How could this be real, and why had I not heard of it in my 45 years?
I soon learned that it WAS real, and that hardly anyone else knew about it either...Read More HERE

Arjun Joshi & Yamini Thakkar
$50,000 Ring Earners
1K Golden App Award Recipients
Emerald Elite
2021 Stonecipher Players of the Year Award Recipients
I was working in the retail industry for a furniture company and the money was good, but I did not like the 12-hour shifts. One day I needed legal services and it would’ve costed me a lot of money to hire an Attorney. One of my co-workers shared information about LegalShield ...Read More HERE

Sherranda & Jenkins Ivey
$50,000 Ring Earners
Multiple PPLSI & Lady of Justice Awards Recipients
Business Solutions Field Trainers
CDLP State Trainers for GA
Sapphire Elite Associates
Top Small Business Producers
2021 Stonecipher Players of the Year Award Recipients
Prior to PPLSI, Sherranda served in the USAF & worked in Healthcare for 20 years. Jenkins also served in the USAF & still works in Law Enforcement. When they started, Sherranda had been downsized & was looking for an Opportunity to work part-time. The ability to control her calendar was what they liked best about our Opportunity...Read More HERE
Corporate Profiles of Success
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